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In a move towards sustainability and environmental consciousness, Tourism Fiji unveiled its inaugural fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) during a ceremony officiated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hon. Viliame Gavoka.

 In his address at the launch event on Friday 11 August, Hon. Viliame Gavoka emphasised that these electric vehicles mark progress towards the sustainability goals of Tourism Fiji and reflects the global trends towards more environmentally friendly vehicles. 

“Through this initiative, Tourism Fiji is taking leadership in sustainable practices in the tourism sector and increasing public awareness of sustainable transportation,” says Govka. 

Hon. Viliame Gavoka also drew attention to Build Your Dream’s (BYD) Blade Battery technology, which not only optimises space utilization by over 50%, but it also excels in stringent safety tests, guaranteeing both longevity and remarkable performance.

Brent Hill, CEO of Tourism Fiji said: “This is an important step in our commitment to our sustainability roadmap. Even our approach to acquiring the vehicles has been sustainable – utilising sponsorships and partnerships to help bring the vision to life and deliver long term cost savings as well as reduced environmental impact. 

“After comprehensive research, we reached out to EV Direct, recognising the alignment between our sustainable transportation vision and their offerings,” Hill noted. “The newly launched EVs are fully electric, leaving zero emissions. Furthermore, they come equipped with portable chargers and utilise solar chargers, ensuring these EVs present long- term savings potential and significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels.” 

Additionally, Fiji Care, the first insurance company to offer coverage for electric vehicles in Fiji, has also shown strong commitment to this green endeavor. Solar Hub Fiji also partnered with Tourism Fiji, fully sponsoring the installation of solar chargers.

 By introducing electric vehicles, Tourism Fiji aims to encourage the tourism community to adopt similar practices and continue working towards a more sustainable future.

Since September 2022, Tourism Fiji has achieved several notable milestones in their sustainability journey led by Sustainability Officer, Sunishma Singh. Implementing a sustainability roadmap and strategic approach is crucial for achieving long-term environmental goals, especially in the context of the tourism industry. 

Part of this plan includes a zero-plastic policy within the Tourism Fiji head office in Nadi demonstrating a commitment to reducing plastic waste and promoting environmental responsibility. Additionally, participating in initiatives such as mangrove planting with Princess Mary of Denmark on World Earth Day showcases Tourism Fiji’s engagement in global environment efforts.

Forming strategic partnerships with organisations like the Pacific Recycling Foundation (PRF) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) further solidifies Tourism Fiji’s dedication to sustainability on a broader scale. Collaborating with these foundations can provide valuable expertise and resources to enhance sustainable practices within the tourism sector.

Consumers can visit Tourism Fiji’s sustainability page on their website to access information about certified and accredited industry partners. Through this, visitors can make informed choices and support businesses that align with sustainable practices.