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In another step towards reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations Peoples, International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney), managed by ASM Global, has run and raised much needed funds alongside its community partner KARI in the world’s largest fun run — Sydney’s iconic City2Surf, that was held on Sunday, 13 August 2023.

Participating ICC Sydney team members.

ICC Sydney continues to acknowledge and celebrate First Nations Peoples, culture and communities through the commitments and initiatives identified in its second Reconciliation Action Plan. ICC Sydney CEO and Group Director – Convention Centres, ASM Global (APAC), Geoff Donaghy said the venue team was excited to have once again participated in the 2023 City2Surf to raise funds for KARI Foundation.

“Together, we are incredibly proud to have had a record number of 20 ICC Sydney team members take up the opportunity to participate in the City2Surf raising over A$6K to date for our community partner, KARI.

“Demonstrating our commitment to reconciliation, this was a powerful opportunity to help make a tangible difference in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who KARI works tirelessly to uplift. ICC Sydney’s team members benefited too and were able to connect with peers from across the business while prioritising their health and wellbeing in this fun setting,” Mr Donaghy said.

KARI Chief Commercial Officer, Cain Slater said that ICC Sydney’s continued partnership and the team’s efforts at the fun run were greatly appreciated with funds already committed to a range of important community projects for First Nations families and children.

“It was great to see so many ICC Sydney team members join forces with KARI in this year’s City2Surf, running shoulder to shoulder with us in solidarity as we work towards reconciliation together.

We have so much heartfelt gratitude for ICC Sydney’s continuous support and dedication to KARI. Their unwavering commitment and enthusiasm for our cause truly make ICC Sydney a champion in every sense of the word,” Mr Slater said.

KARI Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth, families, and communities. The money raised will help support KARI to deliver a range of programs and services focused on education, cultural preservation, family support, and community development that make a real difference in the lives of Aboriginal children and their families in Sydney.

By supporting KARI Foundation, ICC Sydney aims to proactively contribute to bridging the education gap and creating a brighter future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in Sydney.

To find out more about ICC Sydney visit www.iccsydney.com or share your ICC Sydney or ASM Global experiences on your social channels tagging @ICCSyd and use our hash tags #MoreThanAVenue, #ASMGlobalACTS and #ASMGlobal.