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June Schwarcz (1918–2015) made unconventional enameled art that pushed the boundaries of her craft for more than sixty years. Inspired by nature and fashion, as well as abstract, African, and Asian art, Schwarcz developed unique metalworking techniques, always experimenting and embracing complex technical challenges. She initially worked with copper panels and spun-copper bowls, infusing them with her own interpretation of traditional enameling. During the 1960s, Schwarcz pioneered electroforming, an innovative method that involved electroplating pieces made from thin copper foil. Schwarcz focused on sculptural vessels and when asked about her abstract forms, she explained, “They simply don’t hold water.” June Schwarcz: Unconventional Enamels presents a retrospective of her work from the extensive collection of Forrest L. Merrill.

Visit June Schwarcz: Unconventional Enamels for more information.


June Schwarcz: Unconventional Enamels is located post-security in Harvey Milk Terminal 1 of the San Francisco International Airport. This exhibition is accessible from July 22, 2023 – May 5, 2024 to ticketed passengers, and through prior arrangement by emailing curator@flysfo.com.