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Take off! Source- QantasQantas, the Australian airline, has instructed its flight crews to fly through radio interference and GPS jamming, which have been reportedly caused by Chinese military vessels operating off the northwest shelf of Australia. The disruption has not caused any safety issues, according to the airline’s standing orders issued to pilots, but any incidents are to be reported to air traffic control.

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) has confirmed such interference, with pilots being instructed to ignore any communications from unfriendly foreign warships, even if they provide vectors to avoid airspace around the ships. Tensions are high in the Asia-Pacific region as China asserts territorial claims around the South China Sea, with competing nations including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The area is estimated to hold billions of barrels of natural gas reserves.

The Chinese military’s actions have been seen as more of an annoyance than a real risk to safety. GPS jamming, however, is considered a much more significant threat. The incident has highlighted the fact that airlines can be caught in the middle of political tensions and forced to adapt to unexpected situations.

Qantas Group pilots are well-trained and prepared to manage these sorts of issues safely in accordance with defined procedures, according to Tony Lucas, the Australian and International Pilots Association president and Qantas captain. The airline has a busy corridor in the northwest shelf of Australia, with destinations in Indonesia, Singapore, and India.

Qantas routes and destinations

Map showing all scheduled flights for Qantas during the upcoming 7 days. Click on the airport to get a full list of flights to and from that airport.
Source: FlightRadar

While radio interference and GPS jamming have not caused any immediate safety issues, they are a cause for concern for Qantas and other airlines operating in the Asia-Pacific region. Airline industry experts warn that it is important to take such incidents seriously, as they can have long-term implications for airline operations and passenger safety.

Qantas has not commented on the incident beyond its standing orders issued to pilots. However, the incident highlights the need for airlines to be vigilant and prepared for unexpected situations that may arise due to political tensions or military activity in the regions they operate in.

In conclusion, the recent incident involving Qantas and Chinese military vessels highlights the need for airlines to be prepared for unexpected situations. While radio interference and GPS jamming have not caused immediate safety issues, they are a cause for concern for airlines and passengers alike. It is important for airlines to take such incidents seriously and remain vigilant to ensure the safety of their operations and passengers.




Written by: William Trevan





