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A project to repave the shortest runway at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO), involving an eight-week closure of the runway, is on track to begin on March 27, 2023. SFO plans to close Runway 1 Left to repave the surface layer, make improvements to adjacent taxiways, upgrade lighting, and paint new striping and markings. The runway is expected to reopen no later than Thursday, May 25, 2023, for Memorial Day weekend travel.

During this period, SFO will operate all arrivals and departures using two primary runways, 28 Left and 28 Right. This is a common configuration, often used during clear windy days. The runway adjacent to the construction area, 1 Right, will remain open but will not be used for takeoffs and landings. Instead, it will serve as an additional taxiway to reduce surface congestion.

SFO expects this closure to cause few delays during clear conditions and delays of less than an hour during foggy mornings. There will also be slightly longer taxi times for departing aircraft to reach the open runways.

With input from airlines at SFO, the project team selected this period for the closure to avoid the busy summer and year-end holiday travel seasons. This timeframe was also chosen for the low probability of precipitation, as dry weather is necessary for asphalt installation.

On October 3, 2022, Golden Gate Constructors, a joint venture between DeSilva Gates Construction and Graniterock, was awarded the contract for this work. The total project cost is expected to be $51 million, of which $27.9M will be funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).