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A colourful spectacle of yellow, pink, purple and white desert flowers are blanketing the red earth of Outback Quilpie Shire with a display that is as beautiful as it is rare.

“We haven’t seen anything like this in many years.  There are some stretches between Quilpie and Eromanga where entire fields and desert dunes are now covered in beautiful wildflowers.  We’ve had the perfect storm this year so to speak.  We’ve had multiple good rains and it’s made for the most incredible season.  Not only do we have the beautiful wildflower displays but local pastoralists are also having a bumper season with livestock and plentiful vegetation growth.  Our red earth is quite lush and green as well as being highlighted by the most incredible flashes of wildflower colours.  It’s a unique time to visit our region and experience full water ways teaming with fish and yabbies, wildflowers and an abundance of wildlife enjoying the bounty of the season,” said Justin Hancock, Quilpie Shire Council CEO.

Visitors to the region will be treated to a colourful spectacle with locals billing natures flower show this year as the best in about six years.

“There’s so much for visitors to see and do when they come to Quilpie, and we’ve still got a lot of people travelling in the region.  It’s warming up but given the wild, cold weather that’s happening down South many are welcoming the heat and sunny days,” added Karen Grimm, Manager Tourism & Economic Development, Quilpie Shire Council.

Varieties of desert wildflowers on-show in Quilpie Shire include needle bush with creamy flowers, the ‘wattle of the desert’ the Acacia victoriae with a beautiful show of pale-yellow flowers, the Sandhill spider flower or rattlepod, and carpets of paper daisy and bluebells as far as the eye can see.

The sides of dunes are also featuring flashes of purple from the parakeelya whose succulent leaves have historically provided Aboriginal communities with moisture.  Billy buttons and Mulla Mulla also make up the striking array of desert flora.

“The lake is looking fantastic, everything looks magnificent and we have lots of wildflowers on our land this season.  It’s been a good six years since we’ve had a nice wildflower season like this one,” said Louise Hoch, owner The Lake Quilpie.

Visitors to the region in search of the bountiful wildflowers should visit the award-winning Quilpie Visitor Information Centre for up-to-date information on where to view the best displays as the landscape is changing day to day as it warms up and the region continues to have isolated pockets of rain.

The Quilpie Visitor Information Centre recently took out top honours in the 2022 Queensland Tourism Industry Council Queensland Tourism Awards being awarded Gold in the ‘Visitor Information Services’ category.

With a population that sits close to 800, Quilpie is located 1,000km west of Brisbane and has amenities including supermarkets, a butchery, bakery, newsagent, hairdressers, retail shops, a hospital, Medical Centre, Pharmacy, two schools (Prep to Year 10), Early Learning Centre, Community Gym, Sporting ovals, tennis and basketball courts, free swimming pools, weekly flights and an abundance of open space.

Quilpie Shire is also a popular Outback tourist destination renowned for scenic locations such as Hell Hole Gorge, taking a step back in time with Australia’s largest dinosaur at the Eromanga Natural History Museum, Opal fossicking, yabbying, fishing, tree and rock climbing, kayaking, sand dune surfing in the desert and a rich local history.