With New Zealand allowing quarantine and isolation free travel for Australian citizens and permanent residents from 13 April 2022, travellers seeking a stunning tropical holiday can now go to the Cook Islands.
“Cook Islanders are waiting with open arms and big smiles to greet their first Australian visitors in just over two years,” said the General Manager of the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation for Australasia, Graeme West.
“Because tourism is the mainstay of our economy, the last two years has caused significant financial hardship for many people,” he said. “We are looking forward with much anticipation to welcoming Aussies back to our beautiful islands.”
Mr West said a journey to the Cook Islands is the ultimate South Pacific experience. “Our tourism infrastructure is well established and offers a wide range of fantastic choices for accommodation, restaurants, and outdoor activities.” He added that the spectacular beauty of the lagoons surrounding both Rarotonga and renowned Aitutaki, had to be seen to be believed.
The Cook Islands has been dedicated to protecting its people and visitors and boasts a fantastic vaccination rate of 97% of the eligible population.
There are some requirements that travellers must comply with. All visitors over 5 years and 3 months of age (changing to over 16 years of age from 02 May 2022) must be fully vaccinated and provide an official International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (ICVC) issued by the Australian Government. A supervised RAT within 24 hours of departure from Auckland to Rarotonga is required and currently must be taken in NZ. However, from 02 May 2022, Australian visitors can take a supervised RAT or PCR test in Australia 48 hours prior to their scheduled flight time from Auckland to Rarotonga.
Visitors must complete a Cook Islands contact form no more than 96 hours prior to the scheduled departure time from Auckland to the Cook Islands.
From 13 April, Australian travellers can travel to the Cook Islands via Auckland on Air NZ and on Jetstar from 02 June. Air New Zealand’s direct service from Sydney to Rarotonga is expected to recommence later this year.
More information and details on entry requirements are on The Cook Islands Travel Requirement checklist at www.cookislands.travel