South Australia’s peak tourism body, the Tourism Industry Council of South Australia (TiCSA) welcomes the announcement of a $25 million Opening Our Great Outdoors Fund over five years from the Liberal Party should they be elected. This commitment will see further funding allocated to regional tourism projects enhancing investments in nature-based, farm-based, rangelands, and fishing-based tourism, and new accommodation offerings.
This commitment is pleasing, as we have been calling for greater investment in tourism infrastructure and experiences through our Tourism Industry Recovery Agenda.
However, this amount is far less than the Liberal Government has invested in tourism infrastructure over the past two years alone through the Nature Based Tourism Co-Investment Fund and the Tourism Industry Development Fund.
‘The next three years are critical for accelerating recovery of our devastated industry,’ TiCSA CEO Shaun de Bruyn said. ‘This means we need more investment into the tourism industry.’
‘We are calling for a further $35 million a year for three years for strategic investment to effectively facilitate infrastructure and experience development in South Australia.’
‘Furthermore, the incoming Government needs to ensure that these funds are accessible by small and micro-businesses, who make up the vast majority of the industry.’
For further commentary please contact Shaun de Bruyn at 0419 841 190.
TiCSA is the peak body for South Australia’s tourism industry and represents over 1,000 tourism businesses across the state. Our purpose is to advocate for, engage with and strengthen tourism businesses to grow the visitor economy.