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AIM Group International received several awards at the Conventa Best Event Awards which recognise the creativity, innovation, determination and problem-solving attitude that lead to support clients achieving their goals, despite the extremely difficult situation created by the pandemic.

The 3D FIMP House, realised for the first full digital annual conference of the Federation of Family Paediatricians, was awarded twice as the Best Event in B2C Category and received also the Special Prize for Creativity. For the annual congress of the Italian Federation of PaediatriciansWith open arms … at FIMP House offered a unique and unprecedented experience for a medical-scientific congress, transforming a completely digital event into an opportunity for meeting in an innovative way, keeping both participation and engagement high. An immersive, 3D environment, reproduces like a family home, with a sophisticated and appealing layout, and the strong personalization of content and virtual experience guaranteed a great appreciation from the community of family paediatricians.

The SIAARTI Travelling with ICare tour was awarded as runner-up in the Crossover Category, receiving the Second Prize. The motto of the Travelling with ICARE event was “If you can’t participate in ICare, ICare will come to you”. SIAARTI (the Italian Society of Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Intensive Care and Resuscitation) together with AIM Group broke the mould and overturned the congress concept by creating a traveling hybrid event. A SIAARTI branded truck (with a pop-up meeting area and recording studio) visited 8 major Italian hospitals and travelled 1,800 km to facilitate discussions and knowledge sharing among the anaesthesiologists-resuscitators. Over 800 people, including doctors, experts, health managers, local administrators and sponsors, were involved in dozens of round tables, interviews and events.