For readers of this space will know that I try to not make many public statements. My SKÅL training has taught me to be open-minded, to listen, to be non-political, accepting of all colours, creeds and religions. Diversity is a part of our lives and often not through our choosing, but something we are born with and above all my training and experience has taught me to show friendship and respect.
My public space, on Facebook particularly, is filled with snippets of my daily life as if you, the reader, were a member of my family. Also I share my own writings and articles plus news and comments that have caught my attention.
I am an avid reader. As a child Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books, comics such as Beano and novels on action and adventure like the Guns of Navarone (Alistair MacLean). At 11 years old I discovered my stepfather’s library of books and read half of them over the next few years.
Today my interest is travel and tourism and I subscribe to a host of popular electronic daily publications. I spend hours scanning them all. If anything catches my eye I often share them on my various platforms and social media groups.
My rationale of what to share is driven by my interests, a career hotel marketeer and hotel general manager, a Skålleague and today an author and commentator with a reach of approx 3 million readers globally.
On my personal blog if I feel strongly about any issue I will preview the article with an AJW Comment:
Throughout the Trump presidency regular readers of my space will have perhaps caught a glimpse of my true feelings about the man. What is utterly evident is that for the past 4 years America has been bereft of an elder statesman.
President-elect Biden’s victory speech was a breath of fresh air. Actually more a storm. Delivered with a gale force intensity and passion, with line after line of memorable and uplifting quotes. Definitely what we need right now.

Andrew J Wood
Biden’s speech was unifying and showed great leadership and confidence, the country can once again feel proud of it’s most senior representative.
Whilst the content was not all new, indeed “ We are not enemies but friends, …” is an excerpt of President Lincoln’s first inaugural address in 1861. However the whole of President-elect Biden’s speech was the very embodiment of ‘Presidential’.
And for travel and tourism? The USA has to win its battle with the virus for recovery to take place. Tackling covid is his first priority and implementing a national strategy and actual real leadership in the White House. Biden will take it seriously and get the A-team on it, without interference. Tough decisions will be needed. Once beaten the world of travel will be able recover and prosper.
Andrew J Wood