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Supporting your favourite charity has never been more rewarding. Sign up to one of Huma Charity Challenge 2020 Challenges and you can invest in a new pair of trekking boots for your Kokoda Challenge, or maybe some hiking poles to help you along the Larapinta Trail or perhaps a day pack for your Challenge to Ethiopia.

The Huma Charity Challenge Gear4You Giveaway* commences 02 March 2020 with the first 20 bookings receiving a $150 voucher from Wild Earth.

Join outdoor adventurer Edwina Parsons on Huma’s 5 day Larapinta Walk in the Northern Territory as she raises funds for the Volunteer Rural Fire Fighters. Departing 04 June 2020 from $2150 per person.

Challenge yourself with Adventurous Spirit author and ovarian cancer survivor, Heather Hawkins on Huma’s 11 day Open Adventure Challenge along the iconic Kokoda Trail departing 17 August 2020 from $4290 per person.

Explore Ethiopia while supporting Create Impact with Huma’s 13 day Ethiopian Adventure departing 23 October 2020 from $5400 per person. Create Impact’s vision is to create change in Ethiopia through education, health care and clean water.

Or take part in one of the over 40 challenges operating in 2020 or design your own challenge for your friends or your company.

*terms and conditions apply. Details can be found here.

To register for a Challenge, visit:  humacharitychallenge.com/Find-a-Challenge