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As a non-profit association of multinational corporations dedicated to anti-bribery compliance, TRACE supports our members with online tools and training, conferences and benchmarking surveys. Membership in TRACE affords unlimited use of all compliance tools and resources including by majority-owned first-tier subsidiaries. Investigative due diligence is an essential process for nonprofits concerned about the unknown scope of a potential investment or business relationship. By conducting due diligence on the individuals or entities with which you do business, a nonprofit can expose and mitigate hidden risks. Please see the linked brochures for further information: Membership Brochure Due Diligence Brochure

In our ongoing effort to raise the standards of anti-bribery compliance, we do make several compliance resources available to all online:

1) The TRACE Compendium is our fully searchable database of comprehensive summaries of key international anti-bribery enforcement actions.

2) Our annual Global Enforcement Report (GER) summarizing international enforcement actions, which features charts and analysis of information collected by TRACE from court documents, company public filings, press releases, news reports and other publicly-available information.

3) The TRACE Matrix measures business bribery risk in all countries, ranking them based on scores in 4 risk categories: Business Interactions with Government, Anti-bribery Laws and their Enforcement, Government and Civil Service Transparency, and the Capacity for Civil Society Oversight, including the role of the media – as well as 9 sub-domains.

4) The new eGovernment directory of online services provided by governments in more than 80 countries.