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Tomfoolery, the young, charismatic poet and viral sensation who captured the hearts of millions has teamed up with World Animal Protection to share a moving poem, answering his eight-year-old sister’s big question ‘why are people mean to animals? ‘

The moving piece ‘Dancing Dolphins’ shines a light on the plight of captive dolphins and the broader cruel captive wildlife industry. The playful and intelligent mammals are forced to spend their lives in barren tanks, most of which are a fraction of their natural home range, and unable to exhibit their natural behaviours.

Tom hopes to connect with the hearts and minds of people to inspire change for the better as they reflect on the relationship people have with wild animals.

Tom’s mission is to present messages of hope, optimism, and socially constructive and progressive ideas through his words. His previous poem, “The Great Realisation”, has been viewed over 60 million times and translated into different languages across the globe.