Straight from Edinburgh Fringe comes the sexiest show at this year’s comedy festival! It’s Steve Hili baby with his show “The Sexy Environmentalist” complete with a personal message from Stormy Daniels herself. After completing his UK Tour, Steve will make his comedy festival debut (originally planned for 2020 before the very unsexy pandemic hit and cancelled all shows) at The Vault Theatre – Speakeasy HQ.
Steve started stand-up six years ago and since that time has worked his way across the UK comedy circuit, Europe and Australia, merging his sunny Mediterranean roots with his mischievous London wit. “The Sexy Environmentalist” is a high-octane mix of environmentalism and “sexiness” in a last-ditch effort to unite humanity and save the planet with the thing that’s kept humans in existence – sex! Time’s running out, but (according to Steve) the green movement has its tactics all wrong. We’re not going to change the world by making people feel guilty about their life choices. Instead, we need to make Environmentalism attractive to the masses. And this Sexy Environmentalist is just the man to do it.
Growing up in Malta, the most guilt-ridden Catholic country in the world, Steve rebelled, turned against his upbringing and embraced all things sinful. In the meantime, the climate crisis worsened, and devastation of the planet edged closer. Steve threw himself into the green movement and realised the only tactic they seemed to have was “guilt” just like the Catholics! Armed with this knowledge Steve set out on a new way to change the world. A much more appealing way, with laughter and sex. Because it’s only the most hum buggiest of curmudgeons who doesn’t love both!
Combining interactive activism(ish), stories from Steve’s time on the green front and even an intervention from THE Stormy Daniels (who, Steve argues, would be a better leader of the green movement than Greta Thunberg), this filthy but heartfelt hour will be the most important at this year’s festival.
Steve is a public figure in his home country of Malta and was one of the comedians on the Never Mind The Backstop UK tour with fellow European performers in 2019 Luca Cupani, Radu Isac and Arielle Souma. As well as a comedian he is also an award-winning comedy writer and broadcaster. He has appeared on and written for Discovery Channel, Sky, BBC, SBS (Australia), Colourful Radio and Capital Radio (Malta). He currently presents a daily show on digital radio station XFM.
The show will run from 31 March – 22 April at The Vault – Speakeasy HQ Melbourne. Tickets start from $20.50. For more information, visit