The peak industry body representing Australia’s economically important accommodation sector will be known as Accommodation Australia.Leanne Harwood will be the President of the amalgamated organisation’s Executive Committee with Sean Hunt, Vice President, and Bruce Copland Treasurer.
Martin Ferguson AM will continue to play a critical role as Special Counsel on the amalgamation which is on schedule for completion in late 2022 subject to the member vote.
The merger process of the Accommodation Association and the Australian Hotel Association’s Tourism Accommodation Australia is heavily regulated with mandated steps and timelines. The Transition Committee has continued to make steady and collaborative progress.
Both Tourism Accommodation Australia and the Accommodation Association continue to work closely together to maximise benefits for members.
This includes joint Market Update events, allowing AA members equal access to the recent AHA/TAA negotiated temporary Labour Agreement, the sharing of existing resources such as the Accommodation Association’s employment program resources on the Hub and the opportunity for all members to participate in the TAA and AHA state-based awards in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Quotes from Leanne Harwood: “The name ‘Accommodation Australia’ is a powerful and appropriate reflection of our sector’s national footprint and economic significance. This year is a hallmark year as we unite to ensure our impact and influence is maximised and work together to overcome the challenges including those created during the last two years.”
“I am also honoured to have been named as the Inaugural President of Accommodation Australia and I look forward to continuing to work with Sean Hunt, Bruce Copland, our Transition Committee and Martin Ferguson AM as we lock down the remaining steps.”
Quote from Martin Ferguson AM: “While the amalgamation won’t be completed before the end of the year, we continue to work to deliver for members. Where appropriate, we pool resources and hold joint events however I want our members to know that we continue to be full-steam ahead on the advocacy and initiatives that you need now.”
Quote from Sean Hunt, Vice President: “As we rebuild our sector and our workforce and as we shape our future, we need all members actively involved in our ongoing priorities of boosting demand drivers, ensuring a conducive regulatory landscape and attracting and retaining people. We need all members involved so together we achieve the best outcomes.”