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Robots and AI technology taking over several aspects of our lives is no longer the sole property of sci-fi movies. We can already see this happening in our everyday life from simple aspects like an online casino with free slots that runs entirely by itself and doesn’t need any human to regulate the games and set the decks.

Robots have been evolving at an amazing pace for several years and perfecting their ability to do work efficiently. You can trace robots in the workplace as far back as 1956 when Joseph F. Engelberger and George C. Devol invented the Ultimate, which removed die castings from machines and did welding operations on vehicles successfully.

This development isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. Today, we have robots in healthcare that help in surgeries and many other industries. An Oxford study showed that 47% of all jobs in the US will be taken by robots in the next 20 years – the study was published in 2013, so we’re closer to the predicated era than ever.

So, let us examine the impact of robots on our human workforce and see if they can replace humans.

Pros of Having Robots in the Workforce Over Humans

Speed and Accuracy

Robots are faster than humans, and since fatigue does not set in, they can keep operating optimally. This can help companies cut a lot of time and be more efficient. Humans, on the other hand, are susceptible to tiredness, and this can affect their work accuracy, which is prone to diminish over time. Robots eliminate this problem, so better resources are put to work. With robots, you are assured of a consistent speed and accuracy that never diminishes, no matter the time of day.

Harder Work Conditions

Robots can be put in situations and circumstances that humans can’t. With robots, you don’t have to worry about unconducive temperatures, heavy machinery, or sharp objects in components. Robots would perform the most dangerous jobs without as much blowback as if a human were to perform the job. Robots make it possible to work underwater, in space, and in other areas that would be otherwise inhospitable for humans.

Saves Cost and Increases Productivity

It takes a lot more work for humans to perform tasks, especially in the manufacturing industry. Before robots were used to assemble products, companies were spending a lot more on manufacturing products. Today, robots assemble and package products while moving them from one section to the other at a fraction of the time and with fewer errors. This reduces several overhead costs in the manufacturing process. This way, they finish the jobs much faster and help boost production.

Cons of Having Robots in the Workforce Over Humans

Low Adaptability

Robots can only work with what they’re programmed to do and are limited by it. In situations where things don’t go as planned or there need to be adjustments, a robot will have a hard time adapting to the situation. Humans, on the other hand, can adapt to situations and focus on the most appropriate task at a time, such as giving free spins to individuals who have had bad luck and at the same time giving an answer to the question where can i play Bier Haus slot online free”. Other missing attributes are imagination, empathy, and intuition, which are needed to surmount challenges at work every day.


This is perhaps the biggest con of robots taking over the workforce. The company would not need to employ people to perform these tasks the robot now performs, leaving the person unemployed. If it is an industry-wide transition from humans to robots, the person may be out of the job permanently and would have to acquire another skill.

Maintenance and Installation Costs

Putting machines in a workplace would require installation costs that aren’t there when you hire a human to do the work. This puts an additional burden on the company each time they have to add a new machine unit or system to their established ecosystem. Apart from this, robots and machines need regular maintenance to keep them working optimally. Regardless of the profit margins or losses incurred by a company, they must keep their robots maintained.

Downtime or Errors are more Catastrophic

If there are any repairs you have to make on your robot or any other reason why your robot isn’t functional, it is harmful to your company. This is especially true if the malfunction comes unexpectedly and it can completely bring the whole operation of a company to a halt. With humans, on the other hand, compromises are possible, and if for any reason staff isn’t able to work, another person can handle their duties.

Ways Robots Can Replace the Human Workforce

Robots have been replacing the human workforce in some jobs with successful results, while in others, the results have been less than stellar. Generally, jobs that require human contact or the human touch have seen less than stellar results. Here are the industries and sectors where robots can replace the human workforce.

  • Manufacturing: Welding and painting operations in equipment and automotive manufacturing has a lot to benefit from the use of robots. Robots can handle these tasks without worrying about protective gear or hazards.
  • Bomb Detection: The bomb detection department in law enforcement is a dangerous role that is risky for humans to handle. Using robots for bomb detection duties reduces the risk of death or injuries from humans.
  • Space Travel: Robots can be equipped with several sensors and equipped tech that can make them survive the environment in space. These robots can collect data and report back with little challenges.
  • Warfare: Sending robots to war will result in fewer human deaths. Robots can better handle combat as they’re disposable and programmable.

Final Verdict

In the coming years, more jobs will be replaced by a robot workforce because of their efficiency, scalability, and speed. However, not all jobs can be replaced by robots as they do not have the human touch and cannot handle jobs that require adaptability and flexibility. Also, robots replacing the workforce will only create more jobs, especially in the tech industry, as the need for programmers, developers, and designers will also be on the rise.