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While many national tourism offices, operators and business event organisers appear to be lamenting what also appears to be a collapse or very slow recovery of business events due to COVID-19, British resolve seems to be attempting to win the day, with Visit Britain holding a Linked In business events workshop.

Visit Britain is inviting interested parties to join their business events workshop called, “Best practice in finding and working with ambassadors” describing it as a route to successful bidding to learn more about Ambassador Programmes, which they say are an integral part of bidding for an international association event.

Visit Britain goes on to say that managed and run effectively it can provide your organisation with a network of local experts willing and able to support you with an international bid. It can help build that pipeline of future business enabling you to plan and work in advance.

They added that during the session they will share examples of best practice in finding and working with ambassadors and explore how the current pandemic could alter the way programmes are run.

For more information CLICK HERE

A report by John Alwyn-Jones