Lime yellow, vivid red, marmalade orange, shades of green and bright pink are just some of the lovely colours to be found on the green wall at The Calyx, one of the largest vertical floral walls in the southern hemisphere.
Visitors will discover new plants and rainforest trees inside the new free, floral display and learn how every flower is a natural machine designed for reproduction and survival. Competing for attention, they brazenly signal to pollinators using colour, shape and scent.
Executive Director at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, Denise Ora says this green environment is designed to be exhilarating and educational for visitors of all ages. Denise Ora says this green environment is designed to be exhilarating and educational for visitors of all ages.
“When it opens in August, The Calyx will become a place to visit and learn more about the role of colour in plant ecology. It will be a living breathing hub for the community to enjoy and connect with the silent language of plants.
“We know that plants enrich our lives and the planet, but they also help lift our mood and provide us with inspiration. inBLOOM provides visitors of all ages a chance to learn, explore and appreciate nature within a five-minute walk from the hustle and bustle of the CBD,” said Denise Ora.
Taking the form of an impressionistic living watercolour painting, the brilliant display of flowers stretches over 50 metres in length and 5.5 metres high. On show for the next twelve months, this stunning backdrop will play host to guests looking to escape through daily visits and a rich varied community programming of art exhibitions and book launches, workshops, tours, music and food focused events.
John Siemon Director of Horticulture at the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands says inBLOOM is an extravaganza of colour.
“The display inside The Calyx is being refreshed to create a gigantic indoor garden that will capture all the senses. Installed and designed by the Horticulture team at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, the living floral wall showpiece and thousands of vibrant plants throughout the display will uplift every visitor that sees it,” Siemon said.
InBLOOM is accessible by donation and will be on display daily from 10-4pm at The Calyx in the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney from 11 August 2020 to July 2021.
Happenings at The Calyx
11 August New exhibition by artist Marijke Gilchrist
15 August Live Daily panels at 11am as part of National Science Week
10 October Goodnight Glow Worms book launch
17 October Sustainable Living Native Bee Workshop